Friday, January 8, 2010


Regarding Daimler and how they've sucked money out of Chrysler --they've sucked money out of Chrysler by making them buy various partsat inflated prices from Daimler rather than buy directly from thevendor, for the most part. The net effect is a paper loss at theChrysler division that is being used to cover up real losses at theMercedes division. Mercedes technology has always been outdated andoverpriced, and Chrysler cars based on Mercedes technology will besimilarly outdated and overpriced. For example Chrysler'stechnologically-innovated "Cab Forward" design front-wheel-drive largecars are being replaced by antique Mercedes-derived rear-wheel-drivedesigns in order to "save money" (i.e., prop up the money-losingMercedes division by making the Chrysler division spend yet more moneyon overpriced antique technology from Mercedes).

MERCEDES CAR PARTS : For another example of how Daimler has ruined Chrysler, look at whatthey've done to Jeep. They're discontinuing the classic 4.0L and 2.5LJeep engines because it would have been "too expensive" to buy newtooling, and instead are putting *CAR* engines into new Jeeps. Carengines are not truck engines, and are not suited for use in trucks,because they do not have enough low-end torque. Furthermore, theirnew "Jeep Liberty" is a joke -- it's heavier and larger than the oldJeep Cherokee that it replaced, but actually has less interior room.But see, it's all about how much money they can suck out of America tospend on 8 week summer vacations and lifetime employment for Germanworkers at the Mercedes plants (while American workers get the shaft).By re-using a bunch of car parts and antique Mercedes technology inthe "Jeep Liberty", they can sell that bloated caricature of a Jeepfor the same price as the real Jeep that it replaced, while makingmore profit for the German masters.

MERCEDES CAR PARTS : Yikes! I go away for a week or two, and all hell breaks loose.Even though I've spent the past couple of hours attempting to catch up on JSposts, I still haven't read them all, and I'm still a tad hazy on somedetails of the controversy. But it seems likely to me that Jordan Sage,whoever he is, IF he exists, has something up his sleeve aside from hiselbow.A few points caught my eye. I'm going over old ground for most of you, butthat's no sin. Some new info will appear below; gauge its value foryourself:1. The web page simply does not look professional. No corporate logo, forone thing. I work for a company that employs about ten people, and even WEhave a cool logo. There are many photographs on the Jordan Sage site, butnone provide proof that the company even exists. No employees, and noclients, are pictured. On the whole, the web page offers (IMO) insufficientinformation to attract any well-heeled customer. So why does the web pageexist?

MERCEDES CAR PARTS : 2. If this security company really is so massive and impressive, why haven'twe heard of it before? Why isn't it as famous as, say, Wackenhut? Why is notONE happy customer listed in the promotional material?3. Why no contact number or mailing address? It doesn't take THAT much workto find a telephone number and mailing address for, say, Wackenhut. In aletter to this group, someone calling himself Jordan Sage revealed a PO boxand the number of a lawyer. These proves nothing.4. If Jordan Sage has been providing security services since 1992, why isthere NO internet-accessible proof that the company existed in any formbefore January 14 of this year, when several usenet posts (!) announced thatthe firm was open for business?5. Why is someone calling himself Jordan Sage personally delivering lawsuitthreats on usenet? A man in charge of a $500 million firm surely would havesuch matters handled by lawyers, well away from the flame wars. (As for theclaim that usenet's "Jordan Sage" was really an imposter: This idea strikesme as an ex post facto rationalization.)

MERCEDES CAR PARTS : 6. Why did these initial usenet posts originate, not from Mr. Sage or hiscompany (which seems to be based in either Boulder, Colorado or Kingston,Mass.), but from a person calling herself Stella Holman, apparentlyoperating something called "Ivey Business Services" in the U.K.? Would not acompany doing $500 million in business do its own advertising? Would it needsomeone like Stella to represent its business interests?7. What the hell is Ivey Business Services? A key question. The history ofthis odd Sussex firm (which seems to have but one known employee) does notKnowing Jordan Sage personally, these are easily answered. First of allhaving once worked for the man, NONE of the firm's clients are publcrecord. They have confidentiality contracts in place. The employeescan't say anything. Unlike other wannabe bodyguard firms that BRAG aboutclients they CLAIM to have, while also exposing them to greater risk,Jordan Sage's business does not operate that way. As for aut parts?? Idon't have an answer for that one. I know they used to have a bulletproof car business in 1997. I don't know if they still have that or not.I know all of Jordan's cars are bullet proof. I also know that JordanSage is involved in international import and export operations on alarge scale. He helps foreign governments, disadvantaged business, etc.I don't really know to much about it. He used to do shipping of cement,wood, steel, etc.

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